Welcome to our site!

 At the end of the last millenium we lived and worked in London. They were good times but we fancied a change and moved to a small town in the West Country. Now we enjoy both town and country. This is a work in progress and we hope that you’ll find something of interest—a vlog maybe, or an entry about our “life in the slow lane”  ; ) 

A spring walk with the dogs. The East Devon way is a thirty-eight mile footpath between Exmouth and Lyme Regis which overlooks the Jurassic Coast.


Avebury. A rainy day out to one of our favourite places. It was actually better for the rain ; ) The lodgings we stayed in were within the circle; what a magical view it was on opening the curtains the next morning <3

(Use zoom in satellite view to see route. Drag the gold symbol to take you to street view)

It was eerily quiet and misty for the eclipse. Made a video and hopefully it’s a silver lining 😀
*See Links for a later version on Vimeo

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