We’re on Flickr too:

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Guildford’s SkateStar park c.1977. We saw Z-Boy Shogo Kubo here.


We all need to find a new home for things sometimes. Our accidental litter of kits have found new families to go to but if we need to rehome something —be it vegetable, animal or mineral—we would make a small charge. This is to encourage responsible ownership 😉

Copyright (C) 2013-2021 R.E. All Rights Reserved

2 thoughts on “CONTACT US

  1. Dave

    Hey R!
    I’m assuming it’s you, not sure if you’re still maintaining this. Happened to come across this picture of you and me in the Blue bowl at Guildford – Happy Days!
    My 12 year old daughter has just started skateboarding, and I’ve been showing her my style on the flat, and that led to me looking up memories from the old days. I still skate the vertical, in my dreams 🙂
    Anyway, been a long time – hope you’re well. I’m in Brighton.

    1. R. Post author

      Hi Dave!
      We’re still here but haven’t been posting as much as we’d like. They were good times indeed! Blue skies over the Blue bowl 🙂
      A while back I went with my eldest to Taunton’s Hamilton park. Great little bowl (reminded me of that one on St George’s hill), but concrete sure is harder these days 😀
      It has been a long time; I’m glad you commented.
      Take care,


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